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Biomydra is an exploration, puzzle, combat game.

You are Snow, a space explorer, on a mission to bring back the core of an old planet, in order to save yours.

Your goal will be to enter the center of the planet going through 3 different environement.

The project was made in less then 3 month at Le Campus A.D.N by graduating student. 


The estimated gameplay time is more than 1 hour.

Steam Greenlight link : Biomydra-Steam

There are 8 Levels in Biomydra, i was in charge of the Level 3, the biggest one in this game.

I had to deal with 8 ingredients to introduce with a backtracking possibility from level one, two and six.

I learned a lot about Level Design and Game Design during this production from how to boost my framing and do better introductions of ingredients to learning of productions pipelines and teamwork.

It was a great team experience aswell as each Level Desginer had a Level Artist to work with. Moreover it was a production so we had to work with animators, modelers and other level designer in order to make a complete game and, doing so, learn even more about a production structure.

(My Level is a correspondance between the "Desert", the "Cave" and the "Core" environement.)

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